Web Store or Mobile App for Garment Business?

Mobile App For Your Garment Business

Before a century no body thought that we could go online and buy apparels, isn’t it? But thanks to the technology that it is possible to  order anything and everything with just few clicks. There are few giants in online garment business who have there presence only online. They do not have physical presence anywhere in the world but still they are making millions. So, we could say there is a future for your garment  business online. If you are the one who is having your garment shop but never thought of going online. Then think about it, by investing little amount of money you can earn a lot by going online, either with web store or mobile app for garment business. You can capture those people who loves to shop apparel online.

Changed in Customer Behavior

This pandemic has changed customers behavior totally. People who never used to shop online have started to buy stuff online. No one wants to spend much of their time outside in the crowded area. In such scenario, it has becomes mandatory for your garment business to go online. Why not? If you can make a one more set up of your own business by going online with just little amount of investment. In future, when everything gets normal still there will be people who will keep on buying garment online as they will become habitual of it.  It is not at all a bad idea to go online and sale your apparel to your potential customer. People have changed their mindset a lot about the online store, they are willingly buying everything because they are paying less, they can shop from the comfort of there home, they can compare prices, they can look out for offers, they can find a store which sale there kind of things and for many other reasons.

But, now the question arise, if I want to take my garment business online then should I go for Online Web Store or Should I go for Mobile App for garment store, or should I go for both. Why should I go for Mobile App, what all the benefits it has over online web store? And many of these. Here we are going to discuss about all of them.

Having eCommerce store for your fashion business is a nice move. But if you feel it is not getting you much results then you may try it together with mobile app. From many surveys it has been proved that Mobile app gives better user experience than any kind of eCommerce business. Why is it so? Here we go…

Mobile App Vs. Mobile Web

As you could see people are more active on mobile throughout the day than any other device they use. Specially for shopping and entertainment purpose mobile is mostly used device. Desktops are mostly used for office purpose. So, your target audience is mobile users.  From the survey it has proved that people are more tend to buy stuffs when they download the app. So, there is a reason behind it…

1.In App Messaging

When your customer download the app they get connected with your brand emotionally. Because Mobile app can save there preferences, it gives them personal notifications through the app with in-app messaging function.

2. Push Notifications

Another reason that Mobile Application is better than mobile web is push notifications. With push notifications you can engage your audience even if they are not active on your mobile application at that period of time. This push up notifications directly appears on their home screen and ultimately serve your purpose to reach them in a better way.

These things make them take specific action like buying or saving things in cart or just checking with the products and keeping them engaged with your app and ultimately make them to buy stuff from your mobile app.

Branding Opportunity

With mobile app you can develop a trust of your customer with your brand. Since, once downloaded the mobile app remains in their mobile forever unless and until they uninstall it. It builds a kind of connection in between your brand and your client.

Mobile App Helps Them To Make Buying Decision

Getting visit to your online shop is not that big deal but to make them buy is difficult specially when there is a lot of competition out there. But  with mobile app it is easier. Because client gets a opportunity to share there experiences with others with the help of reviews and ratings. They can help themselves and others to decide whether to go for particular product or not. Reviews plays a vital role in buying decision and it is possible with mobile app in easier way.

Your Can Give Rewards To Thank Your Loyal Customers

With mobile app you can hep your customer to build loyalty and gain rewards. With awesome rewards people gain more trust and they may retain again and again for all there future buys. Clients often refer there friends and relatives if they feel they have been treated well and given importance. It is all about give and take. If you give them good rewards, it will definitely come back to you in the forms like, positive reviews for your products and referral buys.

Related Article: 9 Best Mobile App Marketing Techniques in 2020

Aimbeat Softech is a mobile app development company in mumbai, Navi Mumbai, India. We are specialized in developing mobile app for garment business, grocery business, restaurants, hotels and many more. If you are looking for customized app for your kind of business then here we are to serve you with customer specific mobile app to get better user experience for your esteemed clients.

Going online is a need of hour, let us make it happen, call us now @ 9699925003. Our team of experts is ready to assist you for all your business needs to go online.