How much one can earn through Mobile App? In 2020

How Much One Can Earn Through Mobile App

Now a days mobile app is a one of the strongest online platform to earn money.  You might have thought sometimes how much one can earn through Mobile App? Well there is no such thing that could be ideal. Just like every other business it depends on many factors. Each business niche have their own segment of earning money through app. Like gaming apps can earn up to $22,500 every day where as entertainment apps can earn up to $3090 every day. But it does not mean that all the apps which falls under these category earn same amount of revenue. It totally depends upon your quality and popularity of app.

Worlds top 200 mobile apps earns nearly about on an average $82500, where as top 800 apps earns on an average $22,250. Isn’t it exciting! But to reach these figures you must deliver the app with greatest user engagement. For that your app must be user friendly, fast, accessible, secure, highly interactive etc.

Over the past couple of years, mobile app market has changed substantially. And it is going to get continuously rise with the steepest curve with the increase in popularity of smartphones. So, why not to leverage this opportunity and develop apps and earn money.

The main factors on which the amount of money you earn from your mobile app is the category of service you choose for your mobile app. As you can see from the above mentioned figures that gaming apps makes tremendous amount of money. According to statistica, Coin Master earned $70. 95 million U. S. Dollars and Garena Free Fire : Rampage earned $37.24 million U. S. Dollars. Where as PUBG Mad Miramar earned $29.79 million U. S. Dollars , Just in the month of June 2020.

How Do Gaming App Earn Through Mobile App?

You might have seen most of the time these gaming apps are free to download. So, it is pretty clear that they earn money through in app purchase.

According to app sales statistics, 48.2% of all mobile app earning is through mobile in-app purchase. Where as paid app revenues stands second with 37.8% of total. From these statistics it is clear that In-app purchases can help you earn tons of money and it is one of the best tactics for mobile app monetization.

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Do Subscription Apps Make Money?

If you are looking out to make money from subscription through your app then yes, it is also a great way to earn money through app. One of the example of subscription app is Match Group’s Tinder app. It is earning stable and huge amount of money through its paid features. It is free to download but if app user want to take leverage of specific useful feature then the app user need to pay.  Tinder earned $1.2 billion U. S.  dollor in 2019.

Amazon Prime is the another example of paid subscription mobile apps. This app is loved by almost all amazon online shopping app users as it features many benefits. One may opt in for free deliveries, free book downloads, free movies and many of such features by taking amazon paid subscription. Amazon prime earned a revenue of  $19.21 billion in 2019.

Isn’t all the above figures are thrilling. Yes, one can turn into millionaire if proper strategy and execution is done at app development level. If you have that dream to turn your vision into success with mobile apps. Then you may associate with Aimbeat.

Aimbeat is a mobile app development company in Navi Mumbai, Vashi and continuously trying to serve you with better and better apps with great technologies. We have great army of mobile app enthusiast, who deliver your mobile app on time and are always there to serve you with most trending and user friendly mobile apps.

What are you waiting for book your appointment today!

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