All You Need to Know About Programming Language JavaScript (2020)

Programming Language Javascript 2020

Year 2020 is promising for all the new job aspirant. If you are a developer and want make your career in Software Development, then you must know about the programming language trends.

You must have heard JavaScript is one of the important programming language for software development. But might be wondering if it has a future or not. Is it relevant these days or it will be surpassed by other promising and latest programming languages.

So, Here we will be discussing about Programming Language JavaScript.

What is JavaScript ?

JavaScript is a programming language used to develop interactive websites. With HTML and CSS you can develop a basic website. JavaScript, however can make the website more attractive because of its interactive feature. With JavaScript you can create animation, video players, modal windows, drop down menus, contact forms and interactive maps.

JavaScript is also used on the server side. It is possible to build browser based games with JavaScript and with some frameworks it is also possible to develop mobile apps , server apps and web apps.

Is it worth learning JavaScript

With ever changing field of software development, it is quite difficult to point out where to focus on. As an emerging developer you will always need to make sure the things that you are learning now is worthy learning and have some future.

While learning JavaScript you might get confused whether I am learning new stuff or old one. JavaScript came in to existence in the year 1995 and since then it is pretty much everywhere on the web. According to 2019 developer survey , JavaScript is a most commonly used programming language for the seventh consecutive years. So, even if it is quite old but it is still preferred by many industries.

JavaScript is an extremely versatile language, if you learn it then you can do coding on the client side with the help of AngularJs and also on server-side using Node.js. With the help of React, React Native and Electron  you can develop web apps, mobile apps and desktop apps. Once you master this key programming language you can become a full-stack developer.

JavaScript is a most preferred skill for web development industry today. According to the survey, 70% of the software companies are looking out for JavaScript experts. It has also been observed that the demand for JavaScript developers outweigh the expertise available in the market to fulfill the requirement.

Also Read : Top 5 Programming languages for Software Development (2020)

How is the pay for JavaScript Developers?

And the answer is yes, learning JavaScript is definitely going to boost your earning potential as a software developer. According to Glassdoor the average salary of JavaScript developer is  ₹6,22,513 in India which is at higher side than the other development fields in software industry.

JavaScirpt is Good For Beginner

If you are a beginner and want to start your career as a software developer then learning JavaScript is easier than other programming languages int the industry. First thing first is that it does not require any set up to start learning as it comes preinstalled with the web-browsers. Once you start learning you will be able to see instant results with a minimal amount of JavaScript code. There are various communities available on the internet where you can connect with other JavaScript aspirants and can get online help from the professionals. JavaScript programming language skill is transferable and it will help you develop basic foundation. You can learn other programming languages like Python, Java or C++ later on if you want to.


Aimbeat Softech is a software development company is Mumbai. We help you develop interactive and highly professional websites with various programming languages.

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