Google Core Update March 2024

core update march 2024

Google Core Update March 2024

Google launched the Core update in March 2024 aiming to reduce unhelpful content and improve new spam policies. These updates affect the website ranking in search engine result pages and can lead to notable changes in organic traffic for some websites.

Focus Parameters of the Update

 1. Content quality – Google gives importance to high-quality and relevant content. Those websites provide valuable information, answer user queries, and follow (EEAT) Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness these websites perform well in search results.

2. User Experience – Google focuses on websites that have excellent user experience. Page speed, mobile – friendliness, and safe browsing experiences are paramount for ranking top in search results.

3. Technical SEO – Technical SEO such as indexability, crawlability, and site structure also play important roles in Google ranking. Confirming your website is technically maintaining or improving your search rankings.

How to Accommodate the Core Update

– Create high-quality and relevant content that provides useful information to your users. Conduct thorough keyword research and ensure your content is well-structured and engaging. 

– Enhance your website user experience by using page speed insights. Ensuring mobile friendliness and providing a seamless browsing experience for devices.

– Build the authority and trustworthiness of your website by creating useful content and building backlinks from respectable sources. Connect with your audience and build trust through communication.

– Keep attention to your website performance in the search results and monitor organic traffic, keyword ranking, and user engagements.

Conclusion –

In conclusion, the March 2024 Core Update gives importance to high-quality content, providing a seamless user experience, and establishing authority and trustworthiness in your niche. By focusing on these parameters, you can adapt to the update and maintain or improve your website’s visibility in Google’s search results.